Located in Winnsboro serving Tyler and surrounding areas.

903-473-6462 - Rodney Smith / Main line

Concrete Restoration

Fixing Tyler Concrete

Cracked or broken concrete can be unseemly and tearing it up and laying down new concrete is an expensive and time consuming process. Homeowners, understandably, don’t want to spend extravagant amounts of money to fix off-level or broken concrete and they shouldn’t have to. Polyurethane foam is an alternative to extensive concrete work. Smith Insulation has a quick, efficient, and cost effective alternative to a full concrete renovation with polyurethane foam injections. The polyurethane injections have served Tyler as a useful alternative to hiring a full contracting team and the results are on par with any construction effort.

What is Polyurethane?

Polyurethane resin is a high density foam that is injected into small, pre-drilled holes in concrete to raise it up, even it out and make smoothing cracks a much easier process. Because the polymer is lightweight and environmentally friendly, the damage to the ground beneath the concrete is kept to an absolute minimum. The foam has various grades and sets within fifteen minutes, making it an incredibly fast solution to any concrete problems. Smith Insulation’s long lasting polyurethane foam injections come with extensive warranties as well as a thorough maintenance program.

A Cost Effective and Expedient Solution

Concrete that has been affected by changing temperature can be a hazard responsible for trips and falls, and, often, when the cracks are large there is hidden damage beneath. Tyler owners are hard pressed to find useful alternatives to hiring an entire contracting team to resolve those issues but Smith Insulation has a cost effective alternative that leaves owners satisfied. Our polyurethane installation team has an incredible track record of repeat customers and our family run, family oriented company has been ensuring that Tyler property owners receive the service they deserve for years.

Don’t hire an expensive construction team, call the insulation experts at Smith Insulation at (903) 473 – 6462 today instead.



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